Course Image

Ahmad Zaenun Faiz

WebGIS Developer

Category : Spatial Data Infrastructure


Course Pricing

Rp. 450,000


Daftar Course SDI Users di sini!

Kursus pengantar ini dirancang untuk pengguna yang baru mengenal Infrastruktur Data Spasial (SDI) dan GeoNode. GeoNode adalah platform sumber terbuka yang memungkinkan berbagi dan pengelolaan data geospasial secara kolaboratif. Selama empat sesi, peserta akan mempelajari dasar-dasar penggunaan GeoNode, termasuk cara mengakses, memvisualisasikan, dan berbagi data geospasial dalam suatu organisasi atau dengan publik. Kursus ini akan memberikan dasar yang kuat bagi mereka yang ingin memahami cara bekerja dengan data geospasial di lingkup infrastruktur data spasial.


After completing this course, you will be implemented to:

  • Navigate and Use GeoNode: Confidently access and navigate the GeoNode platform, utilizing its tools to find, view, and interact with geospatial data.
  • Share and Collaborate on Data: Upload and share geospatial data, create maps, and collaborate with others using GeoNode’s built-in tools.
  • Understand Basic SDI Concepts: Gain a basic understanding of Spatial Data Infrastructure and how GeoNode supports the management and dissemination of geospatial data within an organization.

Daftar Course SDI Users di sini!

Topics for this Course

  • icon 4 Module

  • iconMateri 1 : User Management
    1. Account and User Profile
    1. Creating a new account
    2. Updating the profile
    1. Interacting with Users and Groups
    1. Viewing other users information
    2. Contacting other users
    3. Sharing managements

  • iconMateri 1 : Data Types
    1. Datasets
    2. Maps
    3. Documents
    4. GeoStories
    5. Dashboards
  • iconMateri 2 : Finding Data
    1. Searching with search bar
    2. Filtering by parameters
    3. Ordering the data
  • iconMateri 3 : Managing Documents
    1. Upload/add documents
    2. Filling the document metadata
    3. Document information
    4. Document editing
    5. Share options
  • iconMateri 4 : Managing Dataset
    1. Datasets uploading
    2. Create a dataset from scratch
    3. Using remote services
    4. Share options
    5. Dataset information
    6. Downloading datasets
    7. Dataset editing
    8. Datasets metadata
    9. Dataset styling
    10. Advanced dataset management with MapStore
  • iconMateri 5 : Managing Maps
    1. Creating maps
    2. Map tools and configuration
    3. Map information
    4. Maps metadata
    5. Share options

  • iconMateri 1 : Dashboards and Geostories
    1. Managing Dashboards
    1. Create and edit charts
    2. Create and edit map views
    3. Create and edit legends
    4. Create and edit tables
    5. Create and edit counters
    6. Create and edit texts
    7. Setup metadata, license and term of use 
    8. Share options
    1. Managing GeoStories
    1. Add contents into a story
    2. Setup metadata, license and term of use 
    3. Share options

  • iconMateri 1 : Using GeoNode with QGIS Desktop
    1. Access GeoNode data via QGIS GeoNode plugin
    2. Access GeoNode data via GeoServer
    3. Edit data via QGIS Desktop